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Mobility Exercises To Improve Your Golf Swing


Updated: Apr 7, 2024

The golf swing is a dynamic motion that involves weight transfer, rotation, and coordination between your upper and lower body.


To perfect the mechanics of your swing, practice is crucial. However, to maximize your performance, incorporating specific training exercises in addition to your time spent on the golf course is beneficial.


In this post, I'll focus on mobility, the key attribute contributing to the fluidity of your swing. I'll detail exercises tailored for golfers aiming to develop this attribute, as well as include a breakdown of Tiger Wood’s drive to demonstrate the cross over between swing mechanics and these training exercises.

Your mobility work will address 4 regions of the body:

  • Ankles

  • Hips

  • Torso

  • Shoulders

Each section will include stretches and movement drills to maximize your range of motion with the golf swing. Now lets dive in.


The Ankles

Ankle mobility is important in golf for transferring weight and maintaining body alignment throughout the swing.


A primary motion of the ankle during the swing is dorsiflexion, which is simply how close the shin can move towards the toes, while keeping the foot in contact with the ground.


In the images of Tiger, you’ll see that during his backswing, his left shin moves towards his toes, bringing his ankle into dorsiflexion, allowing his knees, hips, pelvis, and torso to move into position for his downswing. 

Tiger Woods golf swing

Tiger Woods golf swing

In addition to dorsiflexion, ankle plantar flexion and inversion also occur as Tiger moves throughout his swing.

Tiger Woods golf swing

Good ankle mobility with these movements leads to better weight transfer, body alignment, and overall efficiency with the golf swing.

Full Swing Demo

Below are 4 exercises for improving ankle mobility:

Calf Stretch

Emphasis: Ankle dorsiflexion

Coaching tips

  • Here, I'm using a stretch board. As an alternative you can use a step that is at least 2-3 inches in height

  • Keep the heel in contact with the ground as you move your shin towards your toes

Kneeling Lunge with Ankle Mobility

Emphasis: Ankle dorsiflexion

Coaching tips

  • Keep your heel down as you shift your weight forward

  • Utilize the side to side knee movement to combine ankle dorsiflexion with eversion/inversion for greater ankle mobility

Ankle Inversion

Emphasis: Ankle inversion

Coaching tips

  • Gently apply pressure to the outside edge of the foot to move the ankle through inversion

  • Place a pad under the foot if a hard surface is uncomfortable

Ankle Plantar Flexion

Emphasis: Ankle plantar flexion

Coaching tips

  • Gently apply pressure to the top of the foot to move the ankle through plantar flexion

  • Play with moving the foot side to side, combining plantar flexion with inversion/eversion for greater ankle mobility

  • Place a pad under the foot if a hard surface is uncomfortable

The Hips

Hip mobility is important in golf for rotation and extension to occur during the swing. 


Here, we see that Tiger's pelvis rotates to the right causing his right hip (trail hip) to rotate inward (internal rotation) and his left hip (lead hip) to rotate outward (external rotation) during his backswing. 

Tiger Woods golf swing

As he moves through his downswing and follow through, his right hip externally rotates and his left hip internally rotates.

Tiger Woods golf swing

Upon completing his swing, both hips extend, his left hip fully internally rotates, and he moves towards a forward facing position as he finishes his follow through.

Tiger Woods golf swing

Ideal range of motion with hip rotation and extension is crucial for generating power, maintaining body alignment, as well as ensuring fluidity in the golf swing.

Full Swing Demo

Below are 5 exercises for improving hip mobility:

Knees Fall In & Out

Emphasis: Hip internal rotation/adduction, hip external rotation/abduction

Coaching tips

  • Move each hip through its full range of motion as you rotate the pelvis

  • Maintain an engaged core as you rotate to prevent excessive arching of the low back

Figure 4 Stretch

Emphasis: Hip external rotation

Coaching tips

  • Maintain a flat back and level pelvis as you position your legs for the stretch

  • Apply pressure with your hands for a greater stretch

Hip Internal Rotation - Hands & Knees

Emphasis: Hip internal rotation

Coaching tips

  • Maintain a neutral spine and level pelvis as you pivot on the knee caps, rotating internally in the hips

Kneeling Lunge Hip Extension

Emphasis: Hip extension

Coaching tips

  • Engage your core, flex the glute of the rear leg, and shift your body forward to extend the hip

  • Keep the front foot flat as you shift your body forward

Pelvis Rotation

Emphasis: Hip internal and external rotation

Coaching tips

  • Move each hip through its full range of motion as you rotate the pelvis

The Torso

Torso rotation is important in the golf, because it also contributes to generating power. 


Looking  at Tiger’s torso, we can see that both the lower back (lumbar region) and upper back (thoracic region) contribute to this movement.  However, his thoracic region is more involved in the rotation, especially at the end of his backswing and follow through.  This is because the lumbar region moves in tandem with the pelvis to provide stability, while his upper back allows for greater rotation so the shoulders and arms can move into position throughout the swing. 

Tiger Woods golf swing

Tiger Woods golf swing

Additionally, the torso also involves extension, and side bending during the swing.

Tiger Woods golf swing

Performing mobility exercises to improve range of motion with these movements, while placing an emphasis on torso rotation and extension will greatly enhance the fluidity and power of your golf swing.

Full Swing Demo

Here are 8 exercises to improve torso mobility:

Open Book

Emphasis: Spinal rotation

Coaching tips

  • Maintain an engaged core as you rotate to prevent excessive arching of the low back

Side to Side Leg Lowers 

Emphasis: Spinal rotation

Coaching tips

  • Maintain an engaged core as you rotate to prevent excessive arching of the low back

T Spine Rotation - Stick

Emphasis: Spinal rotation

Coaching tips

  • To emphasize upper back mobility, maintain a stable pelvis as you rotate

  • To emphasize spine and hip mobility, rotate the pelvis with the spine

T Spine Rotation - Bent Over

Emphasis: Spinal rotation

Coaching tips

  • This drill helps to improve hamstring flexibility for the ball ready position

  • To emphasize upper back mobility, maintain a stable pelvis as you rotate

  • To emphasize spine and hip mobility, rotate the pelvis with the spine

Golfer Rotation - Stick

Emphasis: Spinal rotation, hip rotation, ankle dorsiflexion

Coaching tips

  • This drill ties multiple aspects of the golf swing together

  • Combine spine and hip rotation with ankle dorsiflexion as you perform this drill

Side Bends

Emphasis: Spinal lateral flexion

Coaching tips

  • Maintain an engaged core to support the spine as you move from side to side

Spine Extension Arm Raise

Emphasis: Spinal extension

Coaching tips

  • Maintain an engaged core to support the spine as you extend

Cat Cow

Emphasis: Spinal flexion and extension

Coaching tips

  • As you round your back towards the ceiling, push with your hands into the floor to spread the shoulder blades, while tucking the pelvis and chin

  • As you arch your back away from the ceiling, gently squeeze your shoulder blades together

The Shoulders

Shoulder mobility is important in golf, because it plays a significant role in the rotational movements during the swing.

With Tiger, we see that both his shoulders involve a series of movements that enable him to swing the club effectively. Here’s a breakdown of his shoulder mechanics throughout the different phases of the golf swing:


Right Shoulder (Trail Shoulder)

  • External Rotation: As the club is taken back, his right shoulder undergoes external rotation. This movement helps in widening the swing arc and setting the stage for a powerful downswing.

Left Shoulder (Lead Shoulder)

  • Internal Rotation and Horizontal Adduction: During the backswing, his left shoulder undergoes internal rotation and horizontal adduction, positioning his arm across his body. This movement is part of creating the upper body turn necessary for a full backswing.

Tiger Woods golf swing

Right Shoulder Blade

  • Scapular Retraction: His right shoulder blade (scapula) moves toward the spine (retraction), contributing to the upper body’s turn and external rotation of the shoulder.

Left Shoulder Blade

  • Scapular Protraction: His left shoulder blade (scapula) moves forward around the rib cage (protraction) accommodating his torso’s rotation during the backswing. This scapular motion aids shoulder internal rotation, and ensures that a full backswing position is achieved.

Tiger Woods golf swing


Right Shoulder (Trail Shoulder)

  • During the downswing, his right shoulder maintains an externally rotated position.

Left Shoulder (Lead Shoulder)

  • His left shoulder begins to move away from the body as part of the uncoiling process.

Tiger Woods golf swing


Right Shoulder (Trail Shoulder)

  • Internal Rotation: After impact, his right shoulder begins to internally rotate, allowing the club to continue its arc around the body in the follow-through.

Left Shoulder (Lead Shoulder)

  • External Rotation: After impact, his left shoulder begins to externally rotate, allowing the club to finish its arc with the follow-through.

Tiger Woods golf swing

Right Shoulder Blade

  • Scapular Protraction: His right shoulder blade moves away from the spine (protraction), facilitating the natural completion of the swing.

Left Shoulder Blade

  • Scapular Retraction: His left shoulder blade moves towards the spine facilitating the rotation of the body during the completion of the swing.

Tiger woods golf swing

Shoulder and scapular mobility contributes significantly to the acceleration of the golf club; as well the rotation needed to ensure a smooth and powerful swing.

Full Swing Demo

Below are 4 exercises for improving shoulder mobility:

Shoulder External Rotation

Emphasis: Shoulder external rotation

Coaching tips

  • Allow the shoulder blades to move in towards the spine as the thumbs move outward

Shoulder Blade Squeeze and Spread

Emphasis: Shoulder blade retraction and protraction

Coaching tips

  • Squeeze the shoulder blades together as you pull your fists toward you, and spread the shoulder blades as you reach your fists away

Sleeper Stretch

Emphasis: Shoulder internal rotation

Coaching tips

  • Apply light pressure to the forearm during the stretch

Cross Arm Stretch

Emphasis: Shoulder horizontal adduction

Coaching tips

  • Apply pressure with the other arm for a greater stretch


Improved mobility fosters a golf swing that is more fluid, dynamic, and effective. By integrating targeted mobility exercises into your routine, you’re laying the groundwork for enhanced swing mechanics and overall better golf performance, with less risk for injuries. Adopt these drills as essential elements of your training to build a strong foundation for your golfing skills.


Tiger Woods videos - Taylormade Golf

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